Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So, here goes my venting... I am absolutly fed up with some people. I am a great person and mother. I have nothing to prove anyone. You go and talk all you want cause in the end I'm better than you anyways. You get exactly what you want then complain. And you have no right whatsoever to go around acting like you haven't seen your kid. You have seen her twice in three days. Get over yourself & your lil pitty party you're trying to have. If you'd be honest, people would know how you really are. How bout you tell your friends and family what really happened to us... ya know about the hoes and secrets. You couldn't be honest to me if you had to. You lie about petty stuff like a game to hiding talking to married hoes. You don't deserve sympathy from anyone. Learn your lesson and move on in life. GEEZ!!! When are you ever going to grow up?? Until you piss me off again....

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